



Om Sri Ram


Ramana Maharshi Core Teachings

     The core teachings of "Who am I?' and "Self-Enquiry" explained.

Sw. Muktananda on Sivoham Part One

     A clear commentary on the translation and meaning of Adi Shankaracharya's Nirvana Stakham (Verses on Nirvana), given at Ananda Ashram in Kerala.

Sw. Muktananda on Sivoham Part Two

     This satsang is part 2 of 4 in a series of beautiful and most valuable discourses on Spiritual Life, which were given at Ananda Ashram in Kerala, South India.Continuing with the translation and meaning of Adi Shankaracharya’s Stanzas on Nirvana.

Sw. Muktananda on Sivoham Part Three

     In the continuation of this discussion,Swami Muktananda discusses Papa Ramdas's meaning of "Parabhakti."

Sw. Muktananda on Sivoham Part Four

     Concluding this series of talks, Swamiji tells us that we, "Should resign ourselves to the Power of the Love of God.  For it is only the Power of God that is moving throughout all of nature."

Taking Divine Mother by the hand

     Reading from the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, Swami Sadasivananda relates that Bhagavan declares: "During the sadhana for higher life, the yogi should always have a carefree and smiling countenance".

The Key to Spiritual Success

     Swami Sadasivananda is asked, 'Why are we encouraged to seek a solitary place for meditation, instead of just only practicing within society?"

Through Grace, caught in the Tiger's mouth

     A long time lady devotee of Sri Ramana Maharshi tells of how she first came to Bhagavan, and how he caught her like a tiger catches it's prey.

Traditional Meditation

     An in-depth discussion of all aspects and obstacles of meditation.

Waking up with the Name of God

     This satsang, held at Sri Ramana Ashram with Swami Shantananda Puri, could very well be the most valuable talk for aspirants whose spiritual practice involves any form of remembrance of God, or His Holy Name.

What really is the Atman (the Soul)

     In this public satsang, Swami Sadasivananda discusses what the Saints and scriptures call "The Essence of Life"'.

Why We Suffer

     A devotee of Bhagavan Ramana discusses her method of "vichara, or Self-enquiry", relating that she does not exactly say'Who am I," but rather in her blossoming love for Bhagavan she enquires "Bhagavan, tell me Who am I!"

He Who Conquered and Never Compromised Part One

     These words of Bhagavan Ramana are discussed, "The Guru is the Spirit of guidance, either in a human form or without, according to the need of the devotee."

He Who Conquered and Never Compromised Part Two

     Swami Sadasivananda speaks on how to "open the floodgates" of the spiritual presence of the Divine, found in holy lands like India, and instill It anywhere one lives.

Knowing God through Stillness

     Sri Ramana Maharshi defined 'Moksha' (Liberation or Self-Realization) by quoting from the Holy Bible as "Being still, and know that I am God". This talk approaches the art of "Being still."

Knowledge Emerges from the Womb of Devotion

     Here Swami Sadasivananda tries to explain the hidden meaning behind what the great Swami Sivananda said, "There is one God, only one God, nameless is He - formless is He. He is in all names and in all forms."

The Cure

     Swami Sadasivananda answers the question: "How can one keep the mind tranquil and at peace when the multifarious trials of life confront us?"

Living in Love and Light

     This talk, given on Easter morning, began with questions regarding the various methods of meditation, and the similarities of these methods within all of the world religions.

God Rocking the Cradle Part 1 of 3

     This rare and miraculous life story of Swami Shantananda Puri, narrated by Swamiji himself, beginning from his childhood until his Saintly advanced age as a Swami in the lineage of Paramhansa Ramakrishna.

God Rocking the Cradle Part 2 of 3

     Part 2 of the rare and miraculous life story of Swami Shantananda Puri, narrated by Swamiji himself, beginning from his childhood until his Saintly advanced age as a Swami in the lineage of Paramhansa Ramakrishna.

God Rocking the Cradle Part 3 of 3

     Conclusion of the rare and miraculous life story of Swami Shantananda Puri, narrated by Swamiji himself, beginning from his childhood until his Saintly advanced age as a Swami in the lineage of Paramhansa Ramakrishna.

A Devotees Heart Captures Her Lord's Heart

     Here a direct disciple of Swami Shantananda tells of her experience when the Lord Krishna appeared to her and directed her to her Guru. She was so overcome in the telling, that her daughter had to finish the details.

Papa Ramdas on Prayer and Japa

     In this most rare original recording of Papa Ramdas, he talks about the essential need for prayer and japa of the Lord's Name.

Removing All Sorrow And Suffering

     The Master Yogananda leads his devotees in group prayer to God. This short prayer is wonderful and powerful.

Letting go of Fear

     In this satsang many stories that have not been published before are revealed. These incidents are of extreme value to all followers of all diverse spiritual practices. The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi are here seen as universal, and leaving no stone unturned in the life that leads to love and joy in God.

Even our Effort is Grace Part One

     Swami Shantananda's approach and methods of sadhana are as universal as Bhagavan's, as you will discover within his satsangs.

Even our Effort is Grace Part Two

     Swami Shantananda continues to discuss the important aspects of the life of a yogi.

Expression of Spirituality is Love Part One

     Swami Muktananda, of Ananda Ashram in Kerala, reads and comments on Talks from the Gita, by Vinobaji.

Experience of Spirituality is Love - Part Two

     The conclusion by Swami Muktananda, of Ananda Ashram in Kerala, reads and comments on Talks from the Gita, by Vinobaji.

Faith, the Cause of Self Realization

     In this talk, given by Swami Sadasivananda, an explanation of the scriptural verse which was translated by Sri Ramana Maharshi into English as "Faith is the cause of Self-realization" is revealed as having the most profound spiritual guidance for people of all religious paths.

Finding God, the Hard Way

     During a group satsang, a lady asks Swami Sadasivananda to speak on the events and trials of his earlier life.

Get in the mood for God

     A lady asks Swami Shantananda about how to control the moods of the mind. She says: "One day you are happy and the next you are sad."

Getting Hold of God

     Here a Lady asks this important question: "Jesus said, I am the Way and the Truth." What is that Truth, and how do we abide in it?

God's Name, the Antidote for Sorrow

     Here Swami Shantananda, during a talk given at Sri Ramana Maharshi Ashram, tells us: "God the Mother is our protector, and ever ready to protect us. Of all Her children who call for Her, to the one who calls Her by Name and the loudest is first to be taken up in Her arms.

Living with the Master

     Here Swami Sadasivananda talks with a direct disciple of Bhagavan Ramana on topics never before published.

Click on the talk you wish to hear